Forty Million is Nothing!
I’ve been busy, but I now have time to write about it: in a bit over one month, Microsoft sold 40,000,000 licenses of Microsoft Windows. That is a little bit above, hmm, nothing.
I’ve been busy, but I now have time to write about it: in a bit over one month, Microsoft sold 40,000,000 licenses of Microsoft Windows. That is a little bit above, hmm, nothing.
Steven Sinofsky said goodbye to Microsoft on Monday. Who is he, may you ask? The guy that provided us with entertainment for the last few months here. He was responsible for creating this beautiful piece of shit that is Windows 8. So, he fucked shit up and quit. Marvellous.
So, bye Steve, and have fun fucking shit up somewhere else. Maybe Scheißung, um, Samsung?
Windows 8 was released on 2012-10-26. That is, 16 days ago. Why am I writing about it now? Easy: because I did not even bother doing a review. This is just a bit of quick commentary.
Microsoft released Windows 8 Release Preview on Friday, June 1st. And I just wanted to start a game playthrough on Sunday. Wish me luck, as I want to do both ASAP. Here we go again!
Notice: Please read A Look at Windows 8 Consumer Preview first.
As I said at the end of the logo rant, I reviewed Windows 8. The third part of the <del>Twilight</del> Windows 8 saga, and the biggest one. I am going to post more stuff about it in the future, but here it is: the Kwpolska Windows 8 Consumer Preview Review. Enjoy.
Windows has a new logo for a while, therefore, I need to rant about it.
I was observing the news about Windows 8 as of late. Here's my comment about it.