
Status Production/Stable
Language Python
License 3-clause BSD
Role Maintainer

A template for Python projects. It makes it easy to create new Python projects, with just a few replacements required. Many things are already there, already prepared for you.


The template contains the following files to get you started:

  • pre-configured Sphinx with:

    • CONTRIBUTING.rst guide (used by GitHub when sending a pull request or an issue)

    • LICENSE.rst

    • an empty CHANGELOG.rst

    • README.rst

    • a bare-bones index.rst page

  • The exact same files in /, which are fragile and MAY NOT be modified as they are replaced with copies in /docs by the release script

  •, and files in the Python package directory

  • A file that could be good enough for people, and that supports entry_points (see

  • tests/ containing some Is My Python Sane?-style tests (using pytest)

  • An automated global update script (.pypt/PYPT-UPDATE)

  • Entry points configuration ready to be uncommented (and a matching file)

  • Add-ons for Qt users (in pypt-extras/Qt)

  • A sample hook for AUR updates (in pypt-extras/AUR)

  • PKGBUILDs for the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR)

  • A state-of-the-art release script, the operations of which are:

    • querying the user for version number, commit message and changes

    • updating /docs/CHANGELOG.rst

    • bumping the version number in all the files, changing dates where necessary

    • copying over /docs/README.rst, /docs/CHANGELOG.rst and /docs/CONTRIBUTING.rst to /

    • locale generation (via the .pypt/localegen script)

    • running import $PROJECTLC and the test suite

    • uploading a source distribution and a wheel to PyPI

    • Making a Git commit and tagging the release

    • creating a GitHub Releases entry

    • updating the AUR packages (by using hooks)