Series: Chris Warrick’s Android Adventure

I recently got a brand new smartphone. I had — pretty much — the world’s worst Android phone before. The new phone is much more up-to-date and modern. How bad was its predecessor? Well, I’ll be happy to tell you!
In a soap opera series. Haven’t done a series since 2010 (and I trashed that one). I also
haven’t blogged in Polish for quite long (since 2011, to be precise). This is
a change in both regards.
There is currently no schedule (and no finalized content), but the posts in the series are:
BONUS: Inbox (by Google) Review
The Four Pieces of Android, or why is it so fragmented
The Andro-Cheapo-Phone
“A <manufacturer> <model>, Subsidized by <carrier>”
TouchWiz makes no Sense: why OEM skins are evil
One System Fits All: Scaling in Android
The list of posts might be extended.