Posts about best practices

In Python, virtual environments are used to isolate projects from each other (if they require different versions of the same library, for example). They let you install and manage packages without administrative privileges, and without conflicting with the system package manager. They also allow to quickly create an environment somewhere else with the same dependencies.

Virtual environments are a crucial tool for any Python developer. And at that, a very simple tool to work with.

Setting up Python is usually simple, but there are some places where newcomers (and experienced users) need to be careful. What versions are there? What’s the difference between Python, CPython, Anaconda, PyPy? Those and many other questions may stump new developers, or people wanting to use Python.

There are multiple ways to write an app in Python. However, not all of them provide your users with the best experience.

One of the problems some people encounter is writing launch scripts. The best way to handle this is the Entry Points mechanism of Setuptools, and a file. It’s quite easy to implement. If you’re interested, read on to learn more!